In fact, it is not necessary to spend money to buy cosmetics because it can be replaced by folk remedies, one of which is ordinary lemon juice. The unique properties of this well-known product are used quite successfully not only in cooking and medicine, but also in cosmetology. Lemon juice can be called a universal product - it is used to soften the skin, to smooth out wrinkles and healing scars, including post-acne, as well as an effective "cure" tightening facial skin. Lemon juice can be used for the face and in its pure form , and as part of the home caregiver's remedies - creams, masks, compresses and lotions. At the same time, this product is suitable for different skin types, the main goal being to choose the right parts.
Composition and favorable characteristics of lemon juice
Lemon juice is a valuable food product that is extracted from the compressed ripe lemon fruit. It has a characteristic sour taste and distinctive aroma due to the presence of essential oil (contained in pulp and lemon peel). For cosmetic purposes, you can only use homemade lemon juice because the finished product, which is sold in supermarkets, contains flavors and preservatives.
Lemon juice has a very rich chemical composition, including a large amount of organic acids (including citric acid), minerals and vitamins (riboflavin, rutin, thiamine, ascorbic acid and more). In addition, this product contains volatile production that has a strong antimicrobial effect and hesperidin - A unique substance that activates peripheral blood flow and reduces skin swelling.
Another important component of lemon juice is eryocytrin, an antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress and reduces the irritant effect of acids. Thanks to this element, it is possible to use yellow citrus juice for sensitive skin.
The juice of "sunny" fruit has an impressive number of properties that are beneficial to the facial skin:
normalizes sebaceous glands;
nourishes skin cells with nutrients;
activates skin protective functions;
restores cellular respiration;
stimulates the formation of collagen fibers;
regulates water and fat balance in skin cells;
removes greasy gloss;
improves tightening facial skin
lightens age spots and freckles;
promotes the healing of wounds, cracks and scars;
restores normal skin structure;
refreshes, tones and reduces fatigue;
eliminates swelling;
gently cleanses the skin from dirt;
reduces the number of rashes;
contributes to narrowing of pores;
actively fight infection.
Despite this amazing versatility, lemon juice still has a number of contraindications that are due to the high concentration of fruit acids that can irritate the skin even during short-term contact. Therefore, this product should not be used as a cosmetic product in case of individual intolerance, the presence of open wounds, recently applied postoperative stitches, extensive inflammatory foci (especially if it is infectious), as well as koperosis, burns and tumors, including and benign.
Recommendations for using lemon juice on your face
Lemon juice for the face is a popular and reliable means of helping to eliminate various cosmetic defects, but due to the amount of acids this product is rarely used in its pure form. The best use of lemon juice are various cosmetic blends (masks, creams and lotions) that have a whitening, cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect. To make the lemon juice-based products meet expectations, you should be familiar with the following rules.

Before adding the juice to the mask or other means, it must be diluted with water in the same proportions. This is necessary to prevent skin burns.
In order to increase the effect of all the ingredients listed in the recipe (with the exception of eggs, essential oils and liquid vitamins) it is desirable to preheat in a water bath. But the heating temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees - otherwise some products, including lemon juice, might lose their useful properties.
If the recipe provides the use of water, it must be mineral (no gas) or filtered because tap water contains chlorine and other harmful impurities and boiling water is completely unnecessary.The prepared mixture must be used immediately as it is not stored. Therefore, it is necessary to use the products in the amount calculated for one application.
Before applying the lemon juice mask for the intended purpose, lubricate a small amount of prepared wrist - this determines the tolerance of the components. In the case of adverse reactions from the use of selected devices, it should be deleted.
Before starting the procedure, the pores should be opened using a steam bath on the herbs. You can use a string, chamomile, or monthly for these purposes. Apply the mask to dry skin.
When using lemon-based scrub, circular massage movements with the fingers should be performed. The massage should be at least four minutes for oily skin and no more than two for normal or dry. The masks should be applied on the same principle, but without the massage, simply spreading the cosmetic on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, as well as the surface of the lips and wings.
Lemon mask face duration - no more than 20 minutes. Wash the mixture with normal soap and water. After this procedure, you can apply it to a day cream lotion.
For fatty and combined skin types, lemon juice masks are recommended to be used up to twice a week, for normal and dry skin - not more than once. Between courses of an average of 10-12 sessions you should take a break for 45-60 days to avoid skin depletion.
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