
Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Healthy habits for life

Healthy habits for life


Plan a series of activities for a period of three to six months that will help young women learn about the habits of a healthy lifestyle. You can invite a knowledgeable and experienced person from your ward or community to help you with some of these events. You can plan a final event at the Young Women’s camp, while taking into account the planning and preparation of wholesome food and exercise. Your final event may also take place outside the camps of the Young Women’s Camp, for example, participation in a marathon or triathlon.

Below are a few ideas for activities that can help you develop these healthy habits.

General health:

  1. Learn about the elements of good health. Develop a plan with the class to acquire good habits and monitor or strengthen your health.
  2. Over the course of 12 weeks, track and limit the amount of time you spend playing video or computer games, your phone or watching TV or movies.
  3. Invite a medical professional or competent counselor to tell young women about the benefits of sleep. If necessary, help young women plan the right sleep patterns.
  4. Plan, organize and give your Young Women class an assignment related to a healthy lifestyle. This may be a healthy diet or improved physical skills.

Physical activity and eating habits:

  1. Spend a sports evening or sporting event where young women can learn new skills.
  2. Learn about the principles of regular exercise and apply them. Keep a record of your meals, exercise, and other physical activity for at least 12 weeks.
  3. Invite a nutritionist who will tell your class about healthy eating and habits. Develop a plan to improve your diet.
  4. Make a list and description of hiking trails, bike paths and other opportunities for physical activity in your area. Use some of these features to help you develop the habit of regular physical activity.
  5. Organize a sporting event, such as an eight-kilometer marathon, triathlon or cycling trip. Follow all precautions for this event.
  6. Go hiking with your class.
  7. Invite a medical professional or other expert to tell your class about eating disorders or other unhealthy eating habits. Make a plan for acquiring healthy eating habits in your life.

Awareness of dependence on various substances:

  1. Learn about addiction to various substances and other kinds of addiction and how to avoid and overcome it. Invite an expert who will tell the class about the principles of healing from addiction.
  2. Join the campaign and volunteer to spread information about the harmful effects of tobacco and drugs or about the consequences of drunk driving.

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